
Free Resume Templates for 2022

Use one of these 48 free resume templates to land a new job in 2022.

Elegant resume template


Best for: Resumes with a lot of content

  • Modern
  • Professional
Standout resume template


Best for: Professionals eager to stand out

  • Modern
  • Creative
Professional resume template


Best for: Jobs that require formal resumes

  • Professional
Official resume template


Best for: 3+ years experience

  • Professional
  • Creative
Modern resume template


Best for: Jobs that encourage creativity

  • Modern
  • Creative
Classic resume template


Best for: 0-5 years experience

  • Professional
  • Modern
Compact resume template


Best for: Professionals light on experience

  • Modern
  • Creative
Minimalist resume template


Best for: Resumes with multiple roles

  • Modern
  • Professional

Create customized resume templates

Tell us about what you want then instantly get 8 customized templates.

Software engineer
Human resources
Business analyst

Free Management Resume Templates

Experience: 10+ years
Other names: Executive, Vice President

A management resume is a great choice if you are more experienced in your career. Whether you have plenty of experience in people management or you’re trying to get your first managerial role, these professional resume templates will help you stand out.


Free Senior-Level Resume Templates

Experience: 6-9 years
Other names: Staff, Principal

When you start getting more experience under your belt, you need to have a resume that allows for you to showcase your career highlights. These senior level resume templates are designed to help you do exactly that.

working remotely

Free Mid-Career Resume Templates

Experience: 2-5 years
Other names: Mid-level

A mid-career resume should demonstrate an increase in the level of responsibility you’ve taken on throughout your career. These resume templates will help you draw focus to these responsibilities.

Free New Grad Resume Templates

Experience: 0-1 years
Other names: Entry Level, Junior

As a new grad you need to convince the hiring manager you’re capable of performing the role you’re applying to without having past experience to draw on. These new grad resume templates will help you accomplish that.


Resume examples by role

Different career types have different resume requirements. A nurse applying to a large, old-school hospital is going to need a different resume template than a programmer applying to a tech company. These resume templates are meant to make that selection process easier for you.

Software engineer resume template

Software Engineer Resume ExamplePDF

Marketing resume template

Marketing Resume ExamplePDF

Human resources resume template

Human Resources (HR) Resume ExamplePDF

Accountant resume template

Accountant Resume ExamplePDF

Nursing resume template

Nursing Resume ExamplePDF

Business analyst resume template

Business Analyst Resume ExamplePDF

Teacher resume template

Teacher Resume ExamplePDF

Customer service resume template

Customer Service Resume ExamplePDF

Resume Questions & Answers

Here are some tips to help you land that first round interview.

What sections should I include on my resume?

  • Contact info (exclude your address, just provide city and state)
  • Education
  • Work experience
  • Skills
  • Hobbies/ interests (optional)
  • Resume objective (optional)
  • Projects (optional)

The sections you include on your resume vary based on your profession and your years of experience.

The more relevant work experience you have, the longer the “work experience” section of your resume should be since that is what employers care the most about.

When you’ve recently graduated and don’t have much (or any) work experience, your education section can take up more space on your resume by including things like relevant classes you took.

What’s the most important part of my resume?

Far and away the most important part of your resume is your work experience section.

This is the first thing hiring managers will review when you apply for a job. If they don’t like what they see here, they won’t even look at the other sections of your resume.

It’s vitally important that your work experience bullet points provide a concise, convincing case that you deserve an interview.

For example, if you’re in sales then the easiest and most conniving way to show you’re a great salesperson is by showing how you performed against your sales targets in your past roles.

Metrics demonstrate you know what matters in your profession and you have a track record of delivering results.

Your work experience should focus on your accomplishments, not your responsibilities, and the best way to frame your accomplishment is through quantifiable metrics (even if they are rough estimates).

For example, instead of saying something like “Handled customer service calls across the northeast region” you should say “Handled 15+ customer service calls per hour and exceeded customer satisfaction targets by 25%”.

How long should my resume be?

The simple rule of thumb is that for every 10 years of work experience you have your resume can extend to another page.

The biggest mistake that newer entrants into the workforce make is they have their resume go to a second page. Hiring managers are spending very little time reviewing your resume so it’s important that you thoroughly edit your resume to contain only necessary information.

One of the most challenging aspects of building an effective resume is editing yourself. How can your entire career fit into 4-5 bullet points for each job you’ve had?

If you start with a basic resume outline, you can review every job experience bullet point individually and ask, "Does this bullet point demonstrate my expertise and say something new?" If the answer is no, then exclude that bullet point from your final resume.

How many resumes should I have?

Customizing your resume for each job you apply to is the surest way to get a competitive advantage over the other applicants for the job.

When done correctly, this process should take no more than 30 minutes for each job you apply to.

Here’s how to quickly update your resume for each job you apply to:

  • Read the job description for the role you’re applying to.
  • While reading each job description, make note of any specific skills that are mentioned that you have expertise in.
  • As you’re reading the job description, note any relevant projects you’ve worked on that come to mind (if any).
  • Include those skills and projects on your resume and make them prominent by surfacing them towards the top.

Tailoring your resume for each job is something 95% of job applicants don’t do. By showcasing your skills and experiences that are directly applicable to each job you apply to, you’ll automatically be vaulted into the top 5% of all applicants!

How should I format my resume?

Your resume should be formatted in reverse chronological order.

This means that your most recent work experience should go towards the top of your resume and your oldest work experience should go towards the bottom.

This makes the job of the hiring manager easier since they want to know what you’ve been working on most recently. The easier you can make the hiring manager’s job, the more likely you are to get an interview.

Outside of that, you'll increase your chances of landing an interview when you follow these simple tips when it comes to your resume format:

  • Don’t make your resume too cluttered. Use liberal spacing between bullet points and different resume sections.
  • Don’t include graphics or images. These are not computer readable and they take up valuable real estate on your resume.
  • Triple check your grammar and spelling. Don’t let a silly spelling hour be the reason you don’t get an interview!

Why should I use one of these resume templates?

All of the resume templates you see on this page have been thoroughly vetted by hiring experts to ensure they include everything you need to help you land your next job.

Looking for a new job is incredibly stressful as there is a lot of uncertainty in the process. While these resume templates won’t alleviate all of that stress they will ensure your resume has everything you need to impress the hiring manager.

If you're not finding exactly what you want, don't miss our 10 new free Microsoft Word resume templates or our free Google Docs resume templates.

3 tips to improve your resume

At BeamJobs we’ve reviewed tens of thousands of resumes in the last few years. Through this process, we've learned exactly how to write a resume and have compiled several snappy resume tips to help you land your next job.

Here are 3 tips that, when followed, will increase your chances of getting an interview the most:

  1. Use numbers to showcase your impact in your past roles. Your work experience should focus on your measurable accomplishments, not on your job responsibilities.
  2. Tailor your resume for each job you apply to. Read the job description, see if any projects you’ve worked on in the past come to mind while reading, and include those projects on your resume.
  3. Avoid grammar and spelling errors. I know, you’ve heard it before. But you would be shocked at the number of people that are rejected for a job because of grammar and spelling errors. Don’t let this happen to you!