
BeamJobs blog

The resume builder for tech professionals.


2.25 Years To Make $1,100 In Software Revenue

The 4 biggest mistakes we made going from $10 to $1,100 in revenue for our software product.


2 Years To Make $10 in Software Revenue

It took us over two years to make $10 in revenue through software we made. We made a lot of mistakes we hope you can learn from on the way.


Bye Bye Google: How I botched my company's launch after leaving

In my first engineering project after leaving Google, I made a lot of mistakes. Here I detail what went wrong and why. Learn how I messed up so you can avoid the same errors.


14 Mistakes On Our Way to $88,000 in Revenue

As first time founders we've made a lot of mistakes since we started our company in May 2018. We look back at 14 of our biggest mistakes to help you avoid making them.